Section 1: The Threat
1) Sitting pretty as the economy tanks
2) Practical preparedness planning
3) Monster quake!
4) Killer hurricanes
5) Help your home survive in the path of a wildfire
6) Understanding fire zones
7) Summer’s silent heat waves
Section 2: Immediate Preparation
8) Dealing with heat stress
9) Emergency shelter
10) Survival fire building skills
11) Sterno and the Blue Hill Stove
12) Emergency water
13) Survival/utility vest
14) A survival key ring
15) Keep those gadgets working after the power goes out
16) Solar suitcase
17) Insect bites
18) Closing wounds in a remote setting
Section 3: Long-term Preparation
19) Emergency planing beyond the bug-out bag
20) Same garden — more food
21) Make your survival seed bank
22) Building and stocking your pantry
23) Food security 101: Part 1
24) Food security 101: Part 2
25) Build a passive-solar food dehydrator
26) Dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and meats
27) Preserve the harvest naturally through wild fermentation
28) Homestead medical supplies: Part 1
29) Homestead medical supplies: Part 2
30) Bug-out guns
31) Homestead security for women
32 Bartering for bad times
Along with the original book, which is now titled Volume One (288 pages), we’ve added four more books: Volume Two (224 pages), Volume Three (256 pages), Volume Four (270 pages), and Volume Five (271 pages). They contain more relevant and up-to-date information on the subjects covered in the original book.
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