Home BHM Books and Handbooks Emergency Preparedness and Survival Guide: Volume Two

Emergency Preparedness and Survival Guide: Volume Two


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Price for all three: $44.85


Section 1: The Threat
1) The seven core areas of preparedness
2) Balancing your high- and low-tech preparedness needs
3) Subduction Zone Tsunami
4) The threat of electromagnetic pulse!
5) A quick tour of hyperinflation and the possible consequences for America
6) Killer blizzards
7) Wind chill factor
8) Hypothermia: a real winter danger

Section 2: Immediate preparation
9) Impromptu shelters
10) Start a fire in any weather
11) The fire wick fire starter
12) The poor man’s ultra-light dual-fuel backpacking stove
13) Treating wild water
14) Ten-day survival pack for your vehicle for just $25
15) My peppermint tin survival kit
16) Power your bug-out bag
17) How to suture skin
18) Survival infection control

Section3: long-term preparation
19) How to power your house from your car
20) Bugging out in place
21) Self-reliance for women
22) Gardening as a hedge against hard times
23) Create your own emergency water supply
24) Survival storeroom
25) Keep your vittles cool with a modern spring box
26) Build this sturdy large-capacity food dehydrator
27) Alternative food preservation
28) An economical battery of guns for the backwoods home
29) Bury a gun and ammo for 15 years
30) Stashing junk silver for bad times

Along with the original book, which is now titled Volume One (288 pages), we’ve added four more books: Volume Two (224 pages), Volume Three (256 pages), Volume Four (270 pages), and Volume Five (271 pages). They contain more relevant and up-to-date information on the subjects covered in the original book.

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