Our big snowstorm turned out to be a non-event

We were all set for a foot of blowing, drifting snow. Then nothing much happened! Yep, the wind blew like crazy, making our little wind charger howl. And, yes, it snowed. But we only...

Spring is so nice!

But yesterday, while I was cleaning on the back porch, I turned and saw bloody paw prints in the doorway...and across the dining room...and right up to Spencer! Real bloody! I picked up his...

The sun’s out and it’s thawing today

For the first time, we're seeing snow melting. There are big puddles on the roads and parking lots in town. How exciting! It fired Will up and he went out into the greenhouse and...

Boy, do we go through the firewood when there’s a -50 windchill

The last two days, we've stuffed firewood in both the kitchen range and living room stoves all day and several times during the night. Our HIGH yesterday was -13 and this morning there was a...

Our first seeds are coming up

We're feeling springy up here in northern Minnesota! Our first pepper and petunia seeds are popping up. Boy, do they like the rock wall behind the little greenhouse. The woodstove is on one side...