We’re trying to get ready for a big snowstorm

Will hauled in extra firewood while I put new shavings down in the duck and chicken coops. I've been busy trying to shell out the two crates of Carminat pole beans. These lovely slender,...

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The good was that Will had gotten the clutch back in the tractor and David brought our neighbor's big tractor over to lift the motor and clutch back in our tractor. It was too...

The sun is out, and the birds are singing

I just came in from outside. It's such a beautiful spring day! I heard the first Red-winged Blackbirds singing this morning and our pair of Canada Geese is on the beaver pond, checking out...

The weak calf is walking

After four days of coaxing our little calf to drink from the goat bottle every two hours, this morning I found him not in the entryway but in the kitchen. He had gotten up...

Our big snowstorm turned out to be a non-event

We were all set for a foot of blowing, drifting snow. Then nothing much happened! Yep, the wind blew like crazy, making our little wind charger howl. And, yes, it snowed. But we only...