Warm weather is finally here!

Yesterday it was 45 and today they say we'll hit 50 and the sun is out. What a relief! I never appreciated water dripping from our roof so much as this year. Yesterday Will...

The rain has finally quit!

This morning it was a little windy, but the rain had stopped. Thank goodness! While we were getting ready to go outside this morning, Will noticed a beautiful swan on our beaver pond. We...

We’ll have a white Christmas

After a day without snow and rain, which is unheard of here in northern Minnesota this time of the year, we got a two-inch snowfall. Luckily, today the sun's out and it's pretty and...

The beavers were right, again.

This fall, I was asked what our beavers' actions told us about the coming winter. I replied that there should be cold temperatures and lots of snow. At first I thought they'd lied; we...

I think we’ve grown webs between our toes

We've had rain, rain and more rain. Four inches in several days' time. Luckily, Will managed to get our main garden tilled just before the first rain hit. It tilled up very nicely and...