Just a short blog to let you all know I’m still up and kicking

I had my total knee replacement on Jan. 9th and came home the following day. Unfortunately, that night, I had a terrific bout of excruciating pain and had to go by ambulance to the...

Our first tomatoes are ripe

The tomatoes are slow this year due to the intense heat we had early on when they were starting to set blossoms. (When it gets hot, the plants throw their blooms, due to stress.)...

We scurried around as our first major snowfall was forecast

We still had a few crops out in the gardens — some late beets, turnips, and some dry corn. We also had to put away some tools, equipment, etc. We know if these things...

Harvest time starts in earnest

Although we have been harvesting for a couple months now, including our asparagus and rhubarb, not to mention lettuce, radishes, pigweed, and lamb's quarter, our main harvesting started yesterday. I'd been watching the first...

It’s weird; after a night of 20 degrees, yesterday we hit 80.

Our weather's been totally unusual this year, but with the current warm spell, we're thankful and making the best of it. Will's cutting hay on his last big field and I'm still picking beans...