Well, we hope our string of bad luck has broken

Today, Will got a new starter after having to cut the old one apart with a reciprocating saw! A bit extreme, maybe, but both he and I had the same idea, the same morning,...

To reduce the Christmas stress, I’m starting early baking

Fortunately, the weather has been subzero and still snowing, so we spend more time indoors lately. My son, Bill, and his family have been without power for nearly four days, while he's been sick...

If the drought wasn’t enough, now we have grasshoppers

I've been noticing way more grasshoppers around this year than normal. And now they're getting bigger, you really notice them as every step you take, you send up a big cloud before you. I...

Today our high is -5

We've definitely been having some cold weather lately. At night, the lows have regularly been -30° F with the highs still below zero. The house creaks and cracks as the logs contract with the...

Due to the cold spring, we’re behind in planting

Behind, but daily getting more planted. We now have all of our tomatoes in the ground! Yea! Not all of them are mulched, staked, and caged, however. But we're slowly getting there — while...