Our beavers say it’s going to be a dry year

They've built up their dam extra high this spring. And as we haven't had any rain in two weeks, I'm beginning to see why. Using this dry spell, Will spread a good layer of...

Today dawned rainy and raw

After a pretty fall day, although windy as heck, this morning seemed dismal. But it's a good day to stay inside and can up more tomato sauce and get a start on the crate...

We had New Years Eve baby goats

I have been watching our Nubian doe, Bella, for many days as she was getting close to kidding and the weather's been cold. Since we're off grid, there's no way to provide heat for...

It’s raining baby goats at our homestead

Last fall, I introduced our buck to our does, figuring we'd be having kids in early May, when the spring weather was getting nice. Well, two days ago, our oldest doe, Bella, surprised us...

Well, we hope our string of bad luck has broken

Today, Will got a new starter after having to cut the old one apart with a reciprocating saw! A bit extreme, maybe, but both he and I had the same idea, the same morning,...