We’re all growing webbed feet

This year is kind of a repeat of last summer's rainy weather, although not so much rain at one time. Two days ago, we put 175 square bales in the barn, working till nearly...

We’re making hay while the sun shines

After such a rainy early summer, it has finally dried up. It's supposed to be sunny for a whole week so we're making hay like crazy. Will baled up two small fields with the...

We have plenty of snow on the ground

Winter came early this year and stayed! So far we have about a foot of snow on the ground and it shows no sign of melting. Temps are headed into the single numbers this...

We’ve been spending a lot of time keeping everyone warm

Under the spell of the Polar Vortex, we've experienced temperatures of -40° F every night with highs often reaching, perhaps -13°. Today was a heat wave! It only got to 40 below last night...

We were up early this morning

Not because we're all that ambitious but because it was going to be 90 degrees today. We sure don't want to work hard when it gets that hot. But since we've got rain coming...