Our wood is nearly all stacked on our porch

We've been working for a few days cutting, splitting, and hauling wood into the back porch for winter. David was off work and helped us one day and Will and I kept up after...

Snow, snow, snow

Luckily, Will and I have about gotten everything wrapped up for winter. He did finally get the stone and concrete slip-form wall poured under the house, next to our walk-out-to-be basement and also the...

Q and A: keeping a refrigerator working in a cold environment, early Fall weather,...

Keeping a refrigerator working in a cold environment I heard that they don't make a refrigerator/freezer that can be used in a cabin that is allowed to get cooler than 55 degrees. We have been...

It’s pepper plantin’ time!

Yesterday I went down to the basement to retrieve our pepper seeds from the big plastic tote that holds 1/3 of our seeds. (Do you see some obsessive behavior there?) We've got seeds in...

Earth Fest was a success despite heavy snow

Will and I manned the BHM booth at the Iron Mountain, Minnesota, EarthFest on Saturday. We met a lot of BHM subscribers and made a lot of new friends. But boy oh boy did...