Looks like we’re about done with rain

From having daily, and often torrential rain, the gremlins have switched the light switch to drought. And, with it, we're getting a lot of hot days (for us, you southern gardeners!). We're spending hours...

Finally, our thirsty gardens got rain

Although Will was hoping for no rain so he could get into the hayfield, it clouded up very dark and soon began to rain — then pour! I can't say I was sad though...

Why bother canning so much?

I get this question a lot. After all, on a good year I'll can up dozens and dozens of jars of a good crop that's had a great growing year. Sweet corn, for instance....

Will is haying like mad now that we have some dry weather

Will got so far behind in haying due to all the wet weather we had. Now, he's working morning to evening, trying to get caught up. (He's usually done haying in early August. That's...

Holy cow! Did you ever have one of those days?

Yesterday was mine! Our big refrigerator died, Crystal, our sweet donkey died, my computer died, Will's big tractor, with him in it, rolled down the hill and into the garden fence and the cows...