We finally got a little rain

We finally got a decent shower after being in a drought for more than two months. But, thankfully, we have water and have been able to water from two wells and our irrigation system....

We’re making good use of our spell of good weather

Because we know the "other season" is roaring down on us like a freight train, Will's still busy working on the water line insulation. And because last year our neighbor ran over our frost-free...

We “make hay while the sun shines” even in winter

Yep, we've been having a week of below zero again for the highs. But we've got plenty to do inside after chores are done. (We're terrifically thankful for our new well by the new...

The sun came out and it was 37 degrees yesterday

It's amazing how much gets done when the sun is out! I really think the sun increases your energy in the winter. Besides, when it's above 30 outside chores are so much more pleasant....

Harvest continues despite our drought

From a too-rainy early summer, we've moved on to drought. It seems the weather gets stuck in one mode or another lately. So we broke out the irrigation pump last week and got everything...