Another test post

When the newly-elected Republicans take over in a few days, their first order of business will be to read the United States Constitution on the floor of the house. That’s never been done before,...

Mom’s in the hospital, so please forgive the short blog post

Just a week after Mother's Day, I had to rush Mom to the Cook Hospital.  She was suddenly vomiting and her stomach hurt.  As she'd already had two bowel blockages, I was afraid I...

After three days of a family cold, we’re back at it again

All three of us came down with a "spring cold" at the same time. Will and I had  severe headaches and the blahs, while David had the headache along with a sore throat, fever,...

Finally the weather is warming up!

But we still have tons of snow on the ground -- several feet! And mud and water running everywhere. Will's been working on the rock wall behind the living room stove every day, knowing...

I hope your Christmas was as happy as ours

Ashley and I baked for a week. Cookies, pies, candy, and finally Will's Cheescake (you can find this recipe and more in my pantry cookbook). I had to laugh though. Due to our generator...