Hey everyone, there was a mistake in the photo in the recent nut article

We made a mistake in the current issue, Issue No. 149, September/October 2014. In the article titled “Nut trees on your homestead,” we inadvertently put in the wrong photo over the caption that reads...

As an early Christmas present, I got an intestinal flu!

Last week, just when things were gearing up for Christmas, my gut felt ishy. Then all heck broke loose. You get the picture. David had the same thing, which he brought home from school...

I’ve been super busy canning David’s venison

Our weather warmed up some, with some days being above freezing, so I've been in a hurry, trying to get all of David's deer canned up. He brought it home skinned and quartered in...

With our unseasonable warm weather coming to an end soon, we’re hurrying

Will is busy cutting and hauling truckload after truckload of firewood to the woodshed just about every hour of daylight. Me? I've been rearranging my food storage after writing an article on that subject....

We finally got a good rain

On Friday, I took our apprentice, Ashley, over to the Vince Shute Bear Sanctuary near Orr, Minnesota She'd never seen black bears in the wild and we got to see many of them interact...