I’m all set to start planting our first pepper seeds

This year, I've ordered a bunch of unique and rare hot peppers. Some are habaneros and others are South American hot peppers. All are exceptionally beautiful and really different. But, as they take longer...

Mom’s in the hospital, so please forgive the short blog post

Just a week after Mother's Day, I had to rush Mom to the Cook Hospital.  She was suddenly vomiting and her stomach hurt.  As she'd already had two bowel blockages, I was afraid I...

Like everyone we’re trying to get ready for Christmas on our homestead

Like most homesteaders we know, we struggle with cash this time of the year. Grain prices have been horrible. Hay, which we buy from a neighbor in big round bales, is expensive and we...

With our unseasonable warm weather coming to an end soon, we’re hurrying

Will is busy cutting and hauling truckload after truckload of firewood to the woodshed just about every hour of daylight. Me? I've been rearranging my food storage after writing an article on that subject....

Finally the weather is warming up!

But we still have tons of snow on the ground -- several feet! And mud and water running everywhere. Will's been working on the rock wall behind the living room stove every day, knowing...