Test post 1

being shed in liberal-controlled newsrooms that maintenance crews are having difficulty mopping them up before they seep down to the basement and soak the rolls of newsprint. What I find hilarious is that...

Sometimes it’s time to quit

Well, not quit, quit, but hang 'er up for awhile to regroup.  Let me explain.  Yesterday afternoon was a gorgeous fall day.  The sun was out, making the colors of the autumn trees...

Test post 4

Each week, our local newspaper runs a Dinner with Cupid column in their Sunday magazine insert. Folks apply online and the newspaper selects couples they think might make a good match, sets them...

When it’s chilly, I can chili

We're having more typical fall weather.  Finally!  It only rains every other day now, but the temps are falling with the leaves.  And because it's been cooler in the new greenhouse, the...

Spencer is learning to bring in firewood

Our new black lab pup, Spencer, is the smartest dog I've ever raised.  He learned to sit at six weeks of age, and was potty trained shortly thereafter.  In the winter!  Of course all...