David had fun with one of our pumpkins

We have been feeding all of our animals lots of our two tons of pumpkins. They love them, from chickens to the pigs, goats, and cattle. But we did save some of the nicest...

Things are really looking up

Every day, my knee is getting better, and Will is feeling much better too. I've been planting tomato seeds like crazy and have a whole flock of flats, sitting inside plastic bags, waiting to...

If you think zero is cold, how about -39° F?

Yep, Saturday morning, our dependable weather station thermometer registered -39! We'd been expecting cold temperatures, so we were prepared for it but holy cow, did the log house creak and snap as it got...

I’m all set to start planting our first pepper seeds

This year, I've ordered a bunch of unique and rare hot peppers. Some are habaneros and others are South American hot peppers. All are exceptionally beautiful and really different. But, as they take longer...

So far we’ve had a great fruit harvest

Besides harvesting many wild pin cherries and chokecherries, the wild plums are coming on like mad. Not to mention our own tame fruit. We've been especially thrilled with our Hansen's Bush Cherries. The fruit...