We’re above 40 degrees F today

After a long cold spell, today's sunny warmth is so very welcome! First, let me thank all of you for your lovely prayers and thoughts for us and Javid after his passing last week....

I have some sad news

Our son, Javid, passed away yesterday morning, peacefully, in his sleep. Although it was very hard for me, I know he'd been fighting a good fight for a few years now and was very...

The sun’s out and the birds are singing

Well, at least some of the birds are singing. Our temperatures are in a warming trend now and boy are we ever glad. We're already into our second year's firewood. (We try to keep...

All those great plans

You know, I planned on planting my first pepper seeds last Friday. Well, that didn't happen. I'll tell you why. We've been having a spell of very cold weather, with the daytime temperature reaching...

I’m having a hard time lately

You'll remember my adopted son, Javid, who came from India originally. He's handicapped and has been living in a group home. Slowly, his health has been deteriorating. He has Type 1 diabetes and has...