Our rains are here, in full force

All I've got to say is "Yuck!" We're madly trying to continue our harvest but it's nearly impossible when it's pouring rain every day. I've still got plenty of dry bean seed to harvest...

Our nice weather is holding

Usually by deer season, we've got snow on the ground and it's pretty darned cold. But this year has been weird all together and lately we've been having temperatures in the fifties and even...

Fall is here for sure

Our temperatures are starting to drop and our fall rains are kicking in periodically. It was supposed to rain today, so I set out harvesting a trailer load of gourds, fancy squash, and pumpkins...

Well, Will finally got stuck plowing the driveway

We just had another six inches of snow overnight so this afternoon Will headed out to plow our driveway after clearing the area around the house. I was busy filling seed orders and doing...

I got the ProMix problem solved

A friend had told me that Menards had a potting mix called Sunshine #4 that she bought, and she really liked it. So, when Will and I were in Virginia (Minnesota), we went to...