The sun’s out and it’s thawing today

For the first time, we're seeing snow melting. There are big puddles on the roads and parking lots in town. How exciting! It fired Will up and he went out into the greenhouse and...

So much food!

We're simply stunned seeing how much food we have produced this year! I've been canning like mad as well as extracting seed for our little seed business. Yesterday I did up celery. I was...

We got a lot done this past week

Just as soon as Will finished the siding on our storage barn, we got it stained. Then Will stained the wood rack he'd built next to the south wall of the storage barn. He...

Happy Spring!

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and he gave me his blessing to put off the surgery until later this spring so I can be sure to attend the Self Reliance Expo in...

We’re in between snow storms

After just getting clobbered by a windy, snowy storm, dropping about 7 inches on us, we're girding up for the next blow, coming to us from Colorado. While it's not going to be what...