It’s still hot but we did get a third of an inch of rain.

Planting is continuing every day as we have so much ground that is garden now. Our wonderful apprentice, Ashley, has been planting our overflow peppers in the North garden and mulching crops ranging from...

Oh oh, a freeze warning

Due to the tropical storm moving northward, it sucked a cold high down from Canada unexpectedly, after we had corn, beans, squash, and melons up in the gardens. Notice, I said "gardens" as in...

Although the garden’s gone, harvest continues

With crates and crates of various produce crowding our front porch and entryway, I'm busy as can be, saving seed and canning up tons of food to line our pantry's shelves. Two days ago...

Hello fall!

We've been blessed with a few days of no rain. What a miracle! And boy, have we been busy. Will's hauling big round bales from various fields home every day to row up in...

It’s still raining

Boy is it hard to get things done outside when it's raining all day, every day. Grump, grump, grump! I pulled our last carrots and found that the deer had gotten in the open...