Our rains are here, in full force

All I've got to say is "Yuck!" We're madly trying to continue our harvest but it's nearly impossible when it's pouring rain every day. I've still got plenty of dry bean seed to harvest...

The Orr Center Homesteading and Sustainable Living Expo was a great success

Will and I attended the Expo on Saturday and Sunday, taking our Seed Treasures booth, seeds, and vegetables and promoting Backwoods Home and Self-Reliance magazines, of course. I gave the keynote address each day,...

Our foot of snow is nearly gone

And we're back at it again. The tom turkeys are strutting their stuff and sometimes I think they'll pop, they puff up so hard! Our two wild turkey hens have gone off to their...

Our full moon was a “snow moon”

According to the weather station, our full moon this month was called the Snow Moon. I just had to go outside to try and get some photos. It was harder than photographing the Wolf...

Today it’s really warm … up to 33 degrees

We've been having cold, snowy weather lately, including some below zero days. On one of those cold nights, our friend's supermarket burned. As it's the only one in Cook (our nearest town) a whole...