Frosty is doing very well

After kind of a rough start, our newest baby calf is running outdoors with his mom, Mamba, playing and enjoying sunny days. Of course when he gets cold, he runs for the barn and...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

And it has! We've gotten snow every day now, at least an inch or two. It's that light, fluffy Christmas snow so it's putting us all in the holiday mood. I went out last...

Winter sure is hanging on this year

Last night it dropped to -27° F and to tell the truth, that's getting a little old! But today it's sunny and the temperature just made 11° F, so Will fired up the diesel...

No, the frost didn’t pass us by

We were holding our breath last week as there was a frost advisory for the whole north country. We prayed and hustled to try and protect everything we could. We closed up the hoop...

The peppers are coming up

After only five days, our peppers are popping up. Literally — they just show their "backs," then up they pop. Yesterday I took some out of the plastic so the humidity wouldn't cause them...