We’re into harvest time

You wait all year, dreaming, planning, planting, weeding, and finally it arrives — harvest time. Holy cow, where do you start? I'm done with snap beans as I've totally run out of room to...

After weeks of work, Will got our Ford 660 tractor started

You know how some pieces of equipment are dependable to their bones? Well, our old Ford 660 that we bought years back, from my son, Bill, has always been one of those. It would...

Our fall rains have arrived

And boy, the rain does slow down things ripening in the garden. We should have crates of ripe tomatoes right now, but there are really very few — just enough to eat, cook with,...

We just got a new homestead addition

A week ago, my darned back went out. I'm not sure why but think it may have happened when I carried a hose and sprinkler from the Wolf Garden to the Main Garden on...

I’m growing webbed feet!

And we thought we'd had our fill of rain. Ha ha. I'm glad we planted like crazy before this last rain. In a little more than 24 hours, we got seven inches of pouring...