We have a few more spots open for our May homesteading seminar

A lot of you have e-mailed for information and said you really want to come, but the spaces are dwindling, and if you do want to join us in May, this would be a...

Q and A: Potato diseases and making jerky

Potato diseases I'm having a new problem with my potato crop this year. They seem to be contracting blackleg or soft rot. They are more than a foot tall, and so far 8 to 9...

It may be Christmas, but I’m drooling over seed catalogs already

This year, I've been getting seed catalogs for nearly a month now. So Will and I have been discussing different varieties that we'd like to try. We've already ordered 9 new apple trees, a...

Snow’s coming … too soon

We heard the dreaded four letter word: snow! And eight inches plus is forecast. In Northern Minnesota, that means it'll probably stick all winter. This will most likely be our first permanent snowfall (which...

Q and A: Canning chicken, saving seeds, and shelf life of canned bacon

Canning chicken I am getting ready to can up some chickens that are taking up space in my freezer. I'm not having much luck locating wide mouth half pint jars in our area since they...