Spring’s here and I’m relocating red squirrels

This last week has been sunny and above freezing (except for nights, which have been sub-zero to low single digits). Much of our snow has melted, and I've started live trapping some of our...

Now I know how to make it rain!

All Will has to do is take the bulldozer out and install three culverts along with cutting ditches on both sides of our mile plus driveway, and — ta da! — it rains two...

We spent Mother’s Day repairing vole damage in our orchard

We had a crappy fall with heavy rain daily, turning to snow that stayed all winter. Unfortunately, the snow stacked up and the nasty voles that tunnel under the snow, also tunneled up and...

It always feels great to fill up those empty spots in the pantry

I've been canning carrots like mad and boy, are they ever nice this year. They're plenty sweet, crisp, and have few lumps, bumps or extra arms and legs. I'm in a groove now. First...

We are almost done haying and canning has begun full time now.

Finally, after two years of waiting to have enough seed for our wonderful Crawford beans, I had enough saved to plant extra trellises so we could both eat and can some. Well, we did...