Hooray, it’s fifty above!

The sun came out this morning and the temperature shot up. Now almost all of our snow is gone except some slush pack on our mile-long driveway that's kind of ugly. But, luckily, it's...

Yesterday the sun came out and today our snow is going fast

After our huge spring snowstorm, we were glad to see the sun come out yesterday. And the temp went up, too … all the way to the mid-fifties! So, our snow melted fast. And...

What was I thinking?

This spring, I not only planted two double rows of Provider green beans in the main garden but also three single rows in the Central garden. So I've been picking and canning beans every...

Q&A: Pheasant eggs, Homesteading with aches and pains, and Protecting cabbage from worms

Pheasant eggs Would you eat pheasant eggs? I have some little ones and was wondering when they grow up if we could eat the eggs. Sherry Sure. pheasant eggs taste just like chicken eggs, so there's...