We hosted a local homeschooling group last Saturday

A homeschooling friend asked if their group could come out and tour our homestead on Saturday. Always happy to encourage new homesteaders, especially kids, we said YES! Boy, was that fun! We had a yard...

Spring is here and Will is grading our spring basin

Our little tiny spring has been enlarged and deepened three times. It turned out so well, supplying all of our irrigation water for the orchard, berry patch, and garden that we are going to...

Q and A: canning chicken in half-pints, rubber gaskets on canners, fat for soap,...

Canning chicken in half-pints In your segment on canning chicken in Self Reliance you mention that you have canned half pint jars of chicken. I would like to do that, but you never mention how...

Q and A: fertilizing fruit trees, canning peach juice, growing Bill Bean tomatoes, and...

Fertilizing fruit trees  We moved to a new homestead in Alabama this January. It is in Zone 8. I've planted peach, plum, apple, and pear trees. All are doing well and are 4-6 feet tall....