Holy cow, Omicron is spreading like wildfire

I called my oldest son, Bill, today and asked how pheasant hunting went yesterday. He and grandson, Mason, went down to southern Minnesota to join his friend, Scott and his kids at a game...

I hate sheetrocking, so guess what I am doing…

We've got the new addition coming along very nicely. Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of dry walling that had to be done. (We're going to use log accent pieces throughout, but used the Sheetrock...

After a week of rain and cold, the sun is shining

It sure makes one feel better when the sun comes out after a long period of rain! Yesterday I went out and pulled some nice rutabagas and began washing, peeling, and getting them ready...

Our drought is getting very serious

We still haven't had a good rain. Some nearby towns have put outdoor use (watering lawns or washing cars) water restrictions in place and a few people's wells have gone dry. The trees in...

The wheat is heading out and the black raspberries are ripe

With the rain we've had, along with the hot weather, our whole homestead is booming. Yesterday, I went out to the orchard to cut the goats an armload of oats and clover from the...