Fall rains have begun

After several nice, sunny days with temps in the high fifties and even sixty yesterday, we woke up to rain. Yuck. But we had a nice week, last week. We even got to visit...

The cows got into our pumpkin/corn patch

Yesterday Will was bulldozing the horse manure in the horse pasture where we feed round bales all winter up into a compost pile. He noticed that the cows seemed to be too far north...

It may be Christmas, but I’m drooling over seed catalogs already

This year, I've been getting seed catalogs for nearly a month now. So Will and I have been discussing different varieties that we'd like to try. We've already ordered 9 new apple trees, a...

Q and A: Canning chicken, saving seeds, and shelf life of canned bacon

Canning chicken I am getting ready to can up some chickens that are taking up space in my freezer. I'm not having much luck locating wide mouth half pint jars in our area since they...

Spring is here and Will is grading our spring basin

Our little tiny spring has been enlarged and deepened three times. It turned out so well, supplying all of our irrigation water for the orchard, berry patch, and garden that we are going to...