Harvest time starts in earnest

Although we have been harvesting for a couple months now, including our asparagus and rhubarb, not to mention lettuce, radishes, pigweed, and lamb's quarter, our main harvesting started yesterday. I'd been watching the first...

Harvest is in full swing now; (puff pant puff pant)

It's THAT time of year. You plan for it, you dream of it, you drool for it, and then you grouse about it; harvest time. Our garden is terrific this year. And all of...

Hopi Pale Grey squash, Jalepeño jelly, and Canning meat

Hopi Pale Grey squash How do you get your Hopi Pale Grey squash to ripen in your climate? I am south of Detroit and last year they barely made it. I planted them in mid-June....

We needed a bridge…and found an old mobile home

Our land is a rectangular 80 acres of woods. Unfortunately, about 35 acres of that is across a creek, dotted with beaver ponds. The only way you can access it is by bulldozer or...

More snow!

The dogs love it. They get to ride in the snowplow truck with Will. They can't wait. Spencer got disgusted because Bill's dog, Buddy, who we are dogsitting, got to ride, taking up all...