Our latest snow is helping fix last year’s drought

Although we were really ready for all the snow to be gone and woke up to two more inches and falling snow this morning, we aren't too bummed about it. After last summer's severe...

When it rains, it pours.

Or snows actually. Last night we were driving home from the store and it began snowing. Then it really snowed, so heavily we could hardly see the road. And the temperatures are diving from...

Q and A: slugs and headspace in canning jars

Slugs Help! My garden is being eaten alive by slugs! I've tried making yeast traps (hot water, yeast, a bit of sugar) and that does seem to attract them, but there are still many more...

Where oh where did the ProMix go?

I've used ProMix potting soil for years now to start and transplant my seeds and seedlings. I was getting a little low on stockpiled soil, so I went to Menards to buy some more....

Our new garden is now tilled and planted

On Tuesday Will took the Ford tractor out into our new sand garden (now the official name) and began to till. The very back and lower end were wet due to the inch of...