It’s called homesteading

While I'm busy watering gardens, picking and canning beans, Will is out "making hay while the sun shines." And boy-oh-boy have I been canning beans! Our Providers have sure outdone themselves providing food for...

Q and A: heating with compost, dehydrator, and picking peaches too early

Heating with compost I am wondering if you have ever heard of heating your green/hoop house with your compost pile. I have read about it, and it makes sense to me. It could probably be...

Q and A: age of canned beef, canning leftovers, and hoop house

Age of canned beef About 8 years ago I canned a lot of sliced beef, and meat-based tomato sauce, in my pressure canner. It's still there, should I throw it away now? Margaret Baker Valleford, Washington If it...

Q and A: source for nut trees and harvesting squash and watermelons

Source for nut trees Could you help with a source for nut trees that would grow in the northern Midwest? I live in Illinois on the Wisconsin border and would like to get some nut...

Q and A: Jerusalem artichokes and adding lemon juice to tomatoes

Jerusalem artichokes The Jerusalem Artichokes are taller than I am and I'm looking forward to harvesting them. Do I wait until a hard freeze? Do I leave some in the ground so they will come...