I’ve been talked into doing another BHM Radio interview

On Saturday I'll be talking to Colorado Ron and Bubba DaVinci on the BHM Radio show. If you get a chance, check it out. www.backwoodshome.com/radioshow These are always a lot of fun -- join...

Nice weather equals busy us

We've finally got nice spring weather with temperatures in the sixties and even seventies. So, guess who's working until dark every night? We're behind as spring came late for us. We even had a...

The harvest continues

Even though we've had several hard freezes, we are continuing to harvest here on our homestead. Will and I agree; we've never had a more productive garden. What a huge blessing! Especially after our...

We are harvesting like mad — rain and snow in the forecast

Even with the sprained ankle, I'm pulling in beans, beans, and more beans. When I can't do that anymore, I seed out tomatoes so I can sit down in a different position. Doing bush...

So far, perfect summer

I can't believe how nice our summer has been so far and boy is the garden happy! Will is just finishing mulching the whole main garden, all 150x150 feet plus a side L of...