We’re already getting ready for next winter

While I was busy inside wrapping Christmas packages, writing Christmas cards, baking goodies, and making Holiday fudge, Will was busy down in the woods. We had a lot of blow-down of fir and birch...

Q and A: planting squash to save seeds and what to feed chicks

Planting squash to save seeds Help! I received the Hopi Pale Grey Squash seeds and will be planting them. Problem is, I don't know the fancy names for what can be planted near them. Will...

Q and A: Scarlet Runner beans and canning cranberries

Scarlet Runner beans Two years ago I ordered some beans (edible), red flowers, climbers, only got 5 beans in packet. Saved all the beans for this year. Planted them, had lots, ate some (delicious) kind...

We are now enjoying fresh goat milk again

I sold two of my adult milking does, Luna and Velvet, so we haven't had goat milk on the table. Fawn, a yearling, freshened just before Buffy. We sold Fawn's twin does, as they...

We “make hay while the sun shines” even in winter

Yep, we've been having a week of below zero again for the highs. But we've got plenty to do inside after chores are done. (We're terrifically thankful for our new well by the new...