I found Prairie Magic apples!

I've been looking online and calling around but when I had to go to Virginia (MN), a little voice whispered in my ear "try Vern's Greenhouse," a greenhouse only a few blocks off of...

My first flowers are blooming

Well, okay, they are the Amaryllis I bought before Christmas. But as much as we enjoy and need bright colors this time of the year, they were well worth the price. So far, I've...

Q and A: lettuce, beans, peas, onions, and garlic and canning curried goat

Lettuce, beans, peas, onions, and garlic Does leaf lettuce and stinging nettle cross pollinate? I found both red and green leaf lettuce with stickers on the back of the leaves today. One is starting to...

Snow, snow, and more snow! Bah!

Okay, so it sounds like we're getting depressed. Got that right! After getting a foot of new snow a couple of days back, we're getting another foot right now. We got eight inches overnight...

Q and A: seal on a woodstove, planting peppers, and canning cheese

Seal on woodstove We have a woodstove in our small cabin which is 700 sq. ft. Each year the seal on the inside of the door of the wood burner comes off and causes my...