Q and A: canning applesauce and canning yellow squash

Canning applesauce My wife made applesauce and froze the entire batch with the exception of enough to fill three canning jars, one for us and two for the daughters. She put our jar in...

Q and A: Storing egg noodles, Making pectin and cider, and Canning pear sauce...

Storing egg noodles Here's a poser for you: I have a ton of dry egg noodles. Would it extend their quality/shelf life if I broke them off to fit in jars and pressure canned them?...

Q and A: canning crushed tomatoes and feeding a nursing sow

Canning crushed tomatoes I just canned some crushed tomatoes and realize that I didn't read the directions carefully. I added the lemon juice after I put in the tomatoes, instead of putting it in the...

Winter’s still here, although it’s really only fall

Last night we had a temperature of 7° F. Holy cow, it's not even the end of the month yet — October, that is! We usually are in the fifties with lows in the...

I’m canning our first harvest of the year

Although we've been eating fresh asparagus a lot lately, our three beds are producing more than we can eat and doing it often! This morning, Will went out and brought in a big basket...