Q and A: how long to wait for foods to pickle and preparing the...

How long to wait for foods to pickle My wife canned some Dilly Beans last night for the first time. She was wondering how long they need to sit in the jar till they are...

We have 6 new baby goats and a new spring catchment basin

During the past 2 weeks, we've had three sets of twins, including 3 bucklings and 3 doelings to go along with our new baby donkey. Everybody is healthy and growing like weeds. It's so...

Q and A: Canning lime juice and codling moth

Canning lime juice I was given a whole box of limes which I juiced and wanted to can. But our extension office could not find info on how to do it -- like time. Can...

It’s still frigid, but we’re still plugging along

For instance, last night it was -40° F and yesterday, our high was -24° F. Hey, it keeps northern Minnesota under-populated … But I can't lie; I'll sure be glad when Saturday comes as...

Q and A: age of canned beef, canning leftovers, and hoop house

Age of canned beef About 8 years ago I canned a lot of sliced beef, and meat-based tomato sauce, in my pressure canner. It's still there, should I throw it away now? Margaret Baker Valleford, Washington If it...