I’ve been busy playing catch up
No, I still haven't gotten my leftover turkey and broth canned up. But I did get the celery done. Yea! Then I spent two afternoons down in the basement pantry, putting away and arranging...
The woodshed’s about full, as are our two other smaller woodsheds
It's sunny out today and we're out getting yet more firewood. Hey, if it's available and the weather's nice, why not? Better to have too much than too little. Right? We have two smaller...
Ever had one of those days?
It seems like today is one. First of all, the horses and mule got out, then went in the barn, finishing off the calf feed and our pumpkins. Okay… They were gone and had...
Finally, I’m canning carrots
After three days of thinking "tomorrow I'll get to can carrots," it's finally happening. Yesterday I started out shelling various varieties of corn and getting them packaged up. Then, I noticed several varieties of...
Our nice weather continues
With this latest spell of warmer fall weather, we've kept busy. Will was so late getting into the hayfields this summer, due to the crazy rainy spring/early summer, he's late getting wood into the...