It never rains but it pours
We've been having some real cold weather with the high something like 5 degrees F. We were on our way to granddaughter, Delilah's birthday party at her other grandparents in the car. We got...
I got my Christmas present a bit late
But, like they say, better late than never. I'll admit I was kind of sad, thinking Will had forgotten to get me something for Christmas. He is a little forgetful sometimes… But today, our...
Our “second Christmas” was perfect
After our first Christmas celebration on Christmas day with Will's grandson, Drew, we had our second celebration on Saturday with sons, Bill and David's families here. We had presents from their aunts plus all...
We had a quiet but very nice Christmas
Late Christmas Eve, Will's grandson, Drew, arrived after a long drive from Minneapolis, a five-hour drive on some not-so-nice roads at times. We sat up and visited, probably too late, but we couldn't help...
Merry Christmas to everyone
With a foot of snow on the ground but warmer temperatures, we're getting ready for Christmas. We started out this morning by having the big tire truck roll in, bearing Will's "Christmas gift," a...