I hope you had a very happy Veterans Day

We were so busy, but we took time out to remember the Veterans who serve and served our country. Both my late husband, Bob, and husband, Will, were Vietnam Marine Corps veterans so I...

Finally, I’m canning carrots

After three days of thinking "tomorrow I'll get to can carrots," it's finally happening. Yesterday I started out shelling various varieties of corn and getting them packaged up. Then, I noticed several varieties of...

I almost lost Will on Friday!

Okay, it was Friday the 13th … He had taken a big round bale out to the cows in the North pasture and had come back though the pipe gate, parked the tractor on...

Things are pretty normal lately

Will's been having good luck haying and is out today, baling up two nice fields, trying to get it done before it rains this afternoon. We're not complaining about the rain though, as we...

With rain in the forecast, we rushed around

Will had a big field of very nice hay down and raked but it was getting on into the afternoon. He had to hurry to beat the rain, which was heading our way. We're...