On our last “good” day, we hurried to get another load of wood in

According to the weather forecast, our above normal temperatures and clear days are about to come to an end. Snow and colder temperatures are on the way. So while I hurried to can up...

We just dodged a blizzard by a few miles

We knew we were going to get hit by a big snow storm and rushed around to get ready as they were forecasting up to eight inches of snow. There are always things to...

Well, tomorrow’s the day

I've been trying to get ready for my knee replacement surgery for a week now, trying to think of everything I can do now to make things easier down the road. Extra seed packet...

Our hens are starting to lay

I just went out to gather eggs as my girls are really kicking production into high gear. I have to laugh — I've got one Americauna hen who insists on flying over the coop...

Well, the knee surgery went well

But boy did it knock me flat! I mean I was in bed all day yesterday. Me! Yep. But today I was able to safely do away with the walker and gently hobble about....