We dove to -10 degrees last night

And it looks like that's going to be warm, compared to tonight. The high tomorrow is supposed to be about that. Brr! We're definitely hauling in more firewood, including some long-burning ash for overnight....

The woodshed’s about full, as are our two other smaller woodsheds

It's sunny out today and we're out getting yet more firewood. Hey, if it's available and the weather's nice, why not? Better to have too much than too little. Right? We have two smaller...

Ever had one of those days?

It seems like today is one. First of all, the horses and mule got out, then went in the barn, finishing off the calf feed and our pumpkins. Okay… They were gone and had...

I hope you had a very happy Veterans Day

We were so busy, but we took time out to remember the Veterans who serve and served our country. Both my late husband, Bob, and husband, Will, were Vietnam Marine Corps veterans so I...

With several dry days, we’re charging ahead

Will finished up the hay he was working on yesterday, getting it all baled up nicely. With no rain on it! Yea! Right now, he's waiting for a bearing for the haybine. He was...