Q and A: oven canning rice and everlasting yeast

Oven canning rice Can you oven can raw rice? Jean Groen Yes, it keeps well in sealed jars. But I save time and money by just storing bags of rice in my used popcorn tins. I've never...

Q and A: Mesquite beans and volunteer potatoes

Mesquite beans I was just wondering, can you eat mesquite right off the tree, and do they have to be ripe, or does it matter? Pete Bowie, Arizona You can eat green mesquite beans off the tree, cooked...

Q and A: dilled green beans and canning butter

Dilled green beans I have canned dilled green beans for many years. I use the right vinegar, and good quality spices. They look and taste good, but the beans are shriveled and soft. I also...

We had two great Christmas celebrations

Since our youngest son, David, had to work on Saturday when oldest son Bill and his family could come, we had Christmas dinner on Christmas for David and his girlfriend Hannah, and another Christmas...

Our asparagus is shooting up

So guess what we had for dinner last night? Yep, we pigged out on our favorite spring treat, creamed asparagus on toast. (I ate four pieces!) Not exactly diet food but my oh my,...