With rain in the forecast, we rushed around

Will had a big field of very nice hay down and raked but it was getting on into the afternoon. He had to hurry to beat the rain, which was heading our way. We're...

Finally! Two days without rain.

And boy have we been busy. Our friends, Heather, Sherri, and Dara came over yesterday and helped with weeding and mulch. Although they only come occasionally, their help is invaluable! We love them so...

I’m canning our first harvest of the year

Although we've been eating fresh asparagus a lot lately, our three beds are producing more than we can eat and doing it often! This morning, Will went out and brought in a big basket...

Well, tomorrow’s the day

I've been trying to get ready for my knee replacement surgery for a week now, trying to think of everything I can do now to make things easier down the road. Extra seed packet...

Will’s doing much better

In fact, when I came home from town, where I was mailing seed orders and getting feed, I came down the driveway and saw him heading to David's house on the four-wheeler! I was...