It’s amazing what you can get done with nice weather here

While I'm busy transplanting over-grown tomato seedlings into very tall Styrofoam cups, Will is out at the end of the Wolf Road, cutting up the ash logs for firewood and hauling them home to...

The eagles have landed

One of the things we love about living on our wild homestead in the big woods is that we often see wildlife. Right out of our living room window, in many cases. Yesterday, the...

We’ve started on the second section of the equipment shed

With the first 12x24-foot section of our new storage shed fairly finished and stacked a quarter full of firewood already, we've moved on to the next and highest section. The center section will be...

Canning keeps on going on…

…but we're also still harvesting seeds. Today Ashley and I shelled two gallons of beautiful Bear Island Chippewa corn. I just can't get over how beautiful it is and how fat those colorful kernels...

Q and A: cleaning eggs and canning on a rocket stove

Cleaning eggs I have a small chicken tractor with just two hens. The roost nest is in the back furthest from the open "run" area. My hens like to get back in there and sleep...