We got snow, but dodged the big storm

Up to 12 inches of new snow was forecast for us. We check our weather radio every morning as that often dictates what we'll be doing. And since we were hearing about a big...

Q and A: excess potatoes, problem with chickens, and cheese from store-bought milk

Excess potatoes My dad just received 250 lbs of free potatoes. We have given a lot of them to family and friends but still have way too many. Is there any way to freeze them...

Our cold snap snapped

Finally our subzero temperatures have moderated. In fact, today it's 41 degrees and our snow is melting. It seems so strange to have mild weather after all that cold. (Yep, we know it's going...

Q and A: book idea and neutralizing urine odor

Book idea Just a suggestion for "Will's Book." I am re-reading all of your old Ask Jackie columns and enjoying them just as much as the first time I read them. And as I read...

You never know when someone’s watching you

Back here in the big woods, you're never alone. If you stop and hold still, you'll most always find one of the "neighbors" watching you. In this case, it was a barred owl. He...