Q and A: Conure and stretching fence

Conure Here's a different question for you! In your youtube video about cleaning the wood cookstove I hear what sounds like a conure or other smaller parrot in the back ground. What kind of pet...

Q and A: Canning dairy and bacon fat and a sick chicken

Canning dairy and bacon fat I have a few questions about canning dairy. When you say you "can" cheese, are there types of cheese that do better than others? Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Feta, and Goat...

Spring is here in fits and starts and we’re progressing

We've had sixties and sun and then four inches of snow and cold wind. Spring just can't make up its mind! A few days ago, we had a full moon and I got up...

Q&A: Transplanting tomatoes & Trimming tough hooves

Transplanting tomatoes I tried transplanting tomato plants last year with little success. What vegetable plants transplant from indoor starts well and is there something I should have done to the tomatoes to help them adjust...

Q&A: Dairy goats and Goats not getting along

Dairy goats I bought two dwarf dairy goats. They were supposed to be pregnant (one is for sure) but the other I am not sure. How will I know if she aborted the kid? I...