I almost lost Will on Friday!
Okay, it was Friday the 13th … He had taken a big round bale out to the cows in the North pasture and had...
Beautiful, warm fall day
I just took a cruise around the gardens and really enjoyed the fragrance of fall leaves. The maples are turning color and other trees...
We had 30 degrees F for an hour
As we had a very long window of preparation, we were able to do a lot to be prepared for the frost we felt...
We’ve got a frost warning for Friday night
Holy cow, from the eighties down to 33 degrees F, forecast for Friday night/Saturday morning. It's been a very challenging summer for the gardens...
Harvest is chugging right along
Will picked tons of Dragon Tongue snap beans, the third picking off that 50-foot row and I was busy for three days, canning them...