Oh that cold frosty moon!
We had a narrow escape last night? I knew it was going to be cold last night. I listen religiously to the NOAH weather...
Why start it? It’s too much work. You’ll never...
You know, I've heard that all my life. Well meaning (I guess, I hope!) people seem all too happy to crush someone's dreams with...
We love our stock panels!
Do you have things around the homestead that are super versatile? Very useful? And pretty cheap? One of my favorites is the boring-looking welded...
All on the homestead is not about work
This time of the year is the beginning of serious food preservation for me. Unfortunately, a lot of folks get the mistaken idea that...
Oh those green beans!!
I suppose one always has those "favorite" garden vegetables to can. One at the top my list is green beans. They are so...